Sun Spirit Yoga
Why Yoga?

Yoga provides the inspiration to live authentically

every day of your life.


Yoga is the practice of linking breath to movement and bringing the presence of mind from one moment to the next. It's not about pretzel-like contortions, rather, it is about creating:

  • flexible strength
  • balance in your body
  • mind-body integration
  • the ability to free yourself from a weak body
  • detoxification of your organs
  • more relaxation in your life
  • more peace in your life
  • the ability to excavate and unclog all of the unwanted "stuff" of your life


Sun Spirit Yoga teaches "vinyasa flow" yoga and gentle yoga classes. By incorporating stretching, balancing, and the holding of specific poses all to beautiful, rhythmic music, you are able to gain strength, flexibility, and calmness of mind.


As Baron Baptiste, inventor of Power Yoga said,

"You don't have to be open-minded to do yoga. You just need to do it and the results will speak for themselves."

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